Recreating with D3
A weekly personal challenge with D3.js.
By Juanchi ParraEach week I'll recreate a data visualization that has caught my attention from a media outlet. Regardless of how it was visualized, I will try to recreate it using D3.js.
I'll try to achieve the same look and feel of the visualization, and as for the data, there might be some inaccuracy, it will depend on the accessibility of the data.
Why do I do it? It's a challenge that will give me obstacles and opportunities to learn, experiment, and share my knowledge with the data visualization community.
I know that I'll enjoy it and that I'll become more and more comfortable with using D3.js.
The results of the presidential election in Venezuela (Scatter plot)
The results of the presidential election in Venezuela (Map)
Words used at the Democratic and Republican National Conventions (Butterfly chart)
The likely scenarios for the United States presidential elections (Map)
Percentage of people living under each poverty line around the world (Stacked area chart)
The scope of international sanctions imposed by the European Union (Treemap)
The increase in financial aid and extreme poverty in Spain (Bar chart)
The decline in the passage of legislation by the United States Congress (Line chart)
United States presidential election results (Map)
Interstate moves in the United States and their relationship to election results (Dumbbell plot)
The increase of jackpot winners in Philippine lotto games (Stacked area chart)
The aging of the United States chamber (Beeswarm plot)